International Financial Services Centres Authority

(A statutory authority established by Government of India)


List of FAQs

Date Title View Download
20240530 30/05/2024 FAQs on IFSC Insurance Office
20240228 28/02/2024 FAQs on IFSCA (Payment Services) Regulations, 2024
20230927 27/09/2023 FAQs on 'Guidance framework on Sustainable and Sustainability linked lending by Financial Institutions' (SL Framework) dated April 26, 2022
20240124 24/01/2024 FAQs issued by Central Government of India on Direct Listing Scheme
20230222 22/02/2023 FAQs on 'Guidance framework on Sustainable and Sustainability linked lending by Financial Institutions' (SL Framework) dated April 26, 2022
20231221 21/12/2023 FAQs on IFSC Insurance Office
20210920 20/09/2021 FAQs on International Bullion Exchange
20240117 17/01/2024 FAQs on Registration of a Fund Management Entity (FME) and Authorisation of a Scheme or Fund under IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022
20230214 14/02/2023 FAQs on Milestones & Illustrative Permissible Expenses for Reimbursement under IFSCA (FinTech Incentive) Scheme, 2022
20240611 11/06/2024 FAQs on Registration of a Finance Company/ Finance Unit
20240611 11/06/2024 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on International Financial Services Centres Authority (Anti Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorist Financing And Know Your Customer) Guidelines, 2022
20240110 10/01/2024 FAQs on IFSC Insurance Intermediary Offices (IIIOs)
20221209 09/12/2022 FAQs on IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022
20190101 01/01/2019 FAQs for International Financial Services Centre